Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Whole Nother Batch

Yes, "nother" is a word.

Eh, what can I say? I got very lazy last time, tired of watering the plants every day, and I just let it go. Last night though, I saw the documentary Fresh with the Gardener and Gardeness (see my Followers links) and that gave me sufficient energy to give it another attempt. I have an idea this time, I'm still going to use the same four small pots and the organic soil that I used during the first round, but I am also going to add a fifth, very large pot, which I originally intended to use for transplanting, but I think would be better put to use now. The idea would be that, since I am so predictably lazy, I'll just keep the larger pot for my own devices, without needing to move the plants later, and just give the plants from the smaller pots away or something.

I just finished getting the pots set up, which exhausted my supply of seeds. Here's hoping I don't screw this up again.

My philosophy (among many) is that no post is complete without a photograph or video, so here's a pic, even though you've basically seen the same thing before:

You'll notice that in the upper right corner of that picture there is a partial garden. It appears to be the best garden in our apartment complex, so I took another picture of it just so you can see what can be done behind a first-level apartment:

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